Newsong Jam

In March, 1998 a challenge was issued- can you write

20 new songs in 10 months? Hear are some of the results.


THAT'S Filk!?!?!?

Yep, it is. And We have a heck of a lotta fun with it.

Come listen to folk and rock standards as interpreted

by our panel of specialists.



Discord and dat chord. Which chord will you hang on to

to keep your chair?


Dorsai Bivouac

Contract? Has anyone seen it? Uh oh. Listen to our resident Dorsai Irregulars regale you with tales of peace, war, and finding a good parking place.


Collecting Midwest Filk

Well, in our neighborhood its collected on Thursday

mornings (if it's on the curb in plastic bags that is.)

Learn where and how to collect this rare (?) and unique

art form for your home.


Tom & Pete

Back from their first world tour!! With a new and expanded time

slot for Y2K compliance!


Storytelling Open Mark

Got a story to tell? Or just a really, really good tall tale? Mark Bernstein hosts this new perennial favorite- sign up in

the filk lounge! Mark Bernstein hosts this new perennial favorite-sign up inthe filk lounge!



Songs for the young, young at heart, and those who like to



Filk Breakfast

Hungry? Need breakfast? Sign up in the filk lounge for a road

trip to the nearest filk-friendly restaurant


Filk at 11

Filk by musicians whose internal volume control goes to 11.

Bring your own earplugs..