BardicArts Song, Chant, Poetry, Stories and Satire for the Pagan Community
This entry made: 03/15/2000

Title: Invocation to Pan
Written by: Lady Isadora and Lord Pan
Date: 1981
Recorded on: "The Witching Hour," Lady Isadora and Lord Pan, 1981.
Subject: God Invocation

Hearken, my witches
For the pipes of Pan are sounding from afar,
echoing down from the time before time
calling, calling, calling us back to the worship of long ago.
For in this music of enchantment there sounds a note for each one of us
for all witches everywhere, past, present and future
which are but the three faces of the eternal now.

Let us follow the pipes of Pan, my witches, 
and hear his sweet music face to face,
for hearken, it is the music of our own soul.

In a dream I saw him, the fair horned God of the Greenwood,
and the beauty of the Goddess shone forth from his eyes,
and the sunlight gleamed lovingly on the rich wild curls of his proud head,
and he laughed merrily as he beckoned to me to join him in that woodland glade:

"Come hither, child of human longing, and I will teach to thee
the dance of the winds and the wild things."
And saying this, he raised to his lips the sevenfold pipes of joy,
And played upon them the sweetest music that e'er enticed the heart of woman.

"Oh, yes, beloved Pan, I will come," said I,
"For I too am a dancer.  And when thou has taught me thy dance,
So will I then teach thee mine.
For though I was born in city and schooled by book,
Yet do I also know the steps to the throne of wildness,
Oh, I have known them from the very womb.
Am I not a daughter of the Goddess, the queen of life?
Am I not myself Goddess, being woman?"

"Yes, proud child," said he with a secret smile,
"Indeed thou art thyself a queen, mistress of thine own life.
And 'tis well thou knowest thyself for Goddess and woman,
For she is within thy very body and womb and spirit.
But surely thou hast not forgotten that I, her son and seed,
Am her second self?
That I am in my own way Goddess manifest as well?"
And his voice was gentle with her gentleness,
And as I looked deep into his eyes, I saw there reflected 
The light of the silver moon, though it was broad day.

"I am not so blind nor such a fool, sweet Pan," says I,
"For I have seen who looks forth from the depths of thine eyes.
And I have not forgotten that we are part of one another, thou and I
And have been so from the beginning of time."

And when I had said these things,
Great Pan of the Greenwood reached out his hands to me with a sunny smile,
And said, "Come hither, divine child of human longing,
And we will dance together the dance of the winds and the wild things,
For oh, 'tis glad I am that thou hast not forgotten me."

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