BardicArts Song, Chant, Poetry, Stories and Satire for the Pagan Community
This entry made: 03/13/2000

Title: Reason for Rain
Lyrics by: Heather Lev
Tune: original
Date: 1995
Recorded on: "Critical Mass," Heather Lev, 1995.
Subject: Elements - Water

Rain falls down off the leaves and into the street
About to make my melancholy mood complete
Raindrops all melt into a unified one
Soon they will be dancing back up to the sun

Who says any of this has to make any sense?
Whoever thinks they understand pretty darn dense
I wait upon this Saturday for you to explain
Or find me someone who can give a reason for rain

Chorus:	Rain, the reason for rain
	Seasons down the drain
	Time passes in a manner insane
	No reason for rain
	[Descant: Rain rain go away, come again some other day]	

Every time this happens I contemplate
Every raindrop's hydrogen and oxygen fate
What happens to them after they fall to earth?
Immortal waters circling through death and birth


If only my blood could tell the tale
Perhaps I was a raindrop once, perhaps I was hail
I have fallen to the earth, gone dancing to the sky
In search of and romancing with the reason why


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