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Song, Chant, Poetry, Stories and Satire for the Pagan Community |
Title: Lughnassadh Dance
Lyrics by: Gwydion Pendderwen
Tune: original
Recorded on: "Songs for the Old Religion," Gwydion Pendderwen, 1975; "Once Around the Wheel," Ian Corrigan, 1987 (Association for Consciousness Exploration, 1643 Lee Rd #9, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118)
Subject: Sabbats - Lughnassadh
Lugh the light of summer bright clothed all in green
Tailtu his mother true rise up and be seen
Chorus: At your festival sound the horn, calling the people again
Child of Barleycorn, newly summerborn, ripening like the grain.
Lugh grew tall from spring to fall and sought to find a wife
But Balor came and made his claim and vowed to take his life
The two did fight from morn 'till night and Lugh did strike him one
And Balor's eye flew in the sky and there became the sun
Lugh he sped and made his bed with Erin in the north
And there they lay for many a day and soon a child came forth
The child grew tall from spring to fall, Setanta was his name
And then at length by honor's strength CuChulainn he became
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