BardicArts Song, Chant, Poetry, Stories and Satire for the Pagan Community
This entry made: 03/13/2000

Title: The Rolling World
Lyrics by: Ruth Barrett and Cyntia Smith
Tune: original
Date: 1982
Recorded on: "Music of the Rolling World," Ruth Barrett and Cyntia Smith, Aeolus Music, P.O. Box 1608, Topanga, CA 90290), 1982.
Subject: Wheel of the Year

The Mother gives birth on night's longest hour,
  with the frost aglow on the green.
The Child of Light is reborn as the sun
  to renew us on our journey unseen.
All life in the earth begins to unfold
  as the waxing light is seen.
Each seedling will sprout into its own self
  to inspire us to be truly free.

Chorus:	And like the rolling world
	The Wheel of Life is a-turning
	We weave the circle dance
	Upon this rolling world of learning.

The Maiden returns in blossoms so new
  to embrace her Mother in mirth.
And like children we play in the sweetness of day
  and rejoice in Life's return to the earth.
The maypole is crowned with ribbons so bright
  As lovers meet in desire.
Through woodlands and meadows we laugh in the sun
  And the Dance of Life grows wild in the fire.


The oak branch is placed in the bonfire's blaze
  their embrace dissolves into one.
Light triumphs this day, yet begins its decay
  as the wheel turns we spin ever on.
The corn and the grain gleam ripe in the field
  We have labored long in the soil
Now we wait as our days fade into night
  Will we be rewarded well for our toil?


The harvest of plenty, we give thanks with joy
  as leaves are blown from the trees
We gather to share in wonderment there
  of the Circle of Rebirth in the seed.
The Old Woman, she sits in front of the hearth,
  She is wise and bids us come near
We may pass in between what is seen and unseen
  for the veil of Death is nothing to fear.


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