BardicArts Song, Chant, Poetry, Stories and Satire for the Pagan Community
This entry made: 11/06/1997

Title: The Bard's Call
Lyrics by: Adam Walks Between Worlds
Tune: original
Recorded on:
Subject: General

[Very slow, a capella or drone on a BM sus 2, and WATCH THE BREATHS!]

With a harp on my shoulder	a pipe and a reed
With a throat made for poems	and singing and mead
I have songs for each lover	and hoper to heed
To make merry the hearts of our children

Iıve sing sweet to the lassies	and bravely to men
Sung weeping and laughing	and dance without end
And the people say play it	again and again
And make merry the hearts of our children

Iıve never cleaned stables	stood bent in the field
Pulled a fish from the sea	or a sword from my shield
My songs make the harvest	and dances my yield
I make merry the hearts of our children

My song succor the farmer	with his crop and his kine
Make the fishermen laugh	as they pull on their lines
Give the warriors cheer		as they lay there a-dying
I make merry the hearts of our children

I know spells for releasing	the heart from its cage
And spells for remembıring	a gentler age
And spells for recalling	the people their rage
And make merry the hearts of our children

The melody magick		each song weaves a spell
To rave or to holler		to chant or to yell
To cry: sing me to heaven	or pack me to hell
And make merry the hearts of our children

And beneath all my styings	so meager and grand
Lies a voice and a heart	and a sure pair of hands
And a man who loves goddess	and does all he can
To make merry the hearts of our children

So I trek through the wind	and the rain and the snow
And recall my beloveds 		when the moon settles low
And if it hurt when I left you	well it hurt me to go
To make merry the hearts of our children

So if you chance to recall me	and remember my spells
Raise a toast to the goddess	and drink it yourselves
And remember the dances		we all danced so well
And make merry the hearts of our children

May you always know magick	may you rarely know pain
May your days in the sunlight	best your days in the rain
As you love one another		may you find love again
And make merry the hearts of our children

Musical notation of

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