Hell, I don't know. The campaign game is boring. I prefer to play against human players. There are lots of other pages out there on the campaign game.
"What are all these bald fat guys destroying my buildings?"
They're called Ogres, the Orcish equivalent to Knights. To build them, you need a Barracks, a Blacksmith, and an Ogre Mound.
Ogres and Knights are much better than Grunts and Footmen. Make them instead of Grunts or Footmen if you can.
"What are all those red droplets all over the Ogres?"
Ogre-Mages that have researched the spell can cast Bloodlust. An Ogre-Mage can cast Bloodlust on any living unit (not on catapults or ships), making it a lot tougher. A Bloodlusted Ogre can probably take out two Knights single-handedly, making it the most powerful spell in the game. Most experienced players will always play Orcs because of this spell.
To get Bloodlust, you have to build an Altar of Storms, research Ogre-Mages, and then research Bloodlust.
"Man, why is there an eyeball floating over my town?"
The Ogre-Mage spell Eye of Kilrogg creates a flying eyeball that you can then move around and use to spy on other players. After a few minutes it disappears.
Paladins have a similiar spell called Holy Vision. It is instantaneous, so it's a lot better. This doesn't make up for Bloodlust, though.
"How do you make so many grunts so fast?"
The more you play, the more efficient you get at building up your economy. Speed is everything in Warcraft 2. Think of it as a race to get the most grunts, the highest technologies, the first dragon, etc.. The key to winning battles is to be the "firstest with the mostest."
For an idea on how to build fast, see the sample strategy I provide, Tim's general Warcraft 2 strategy. A big part of it is to skip the useless things like Lumber Mills at first, and to go straight to building Barracks, Blacksmith, and Grunts. And always, always make sure you have enough farms; if you have to wait while you're building another farm, you're not going fast enough.
"How come, when I play my friend, he always knows exactly where I am
on the map?"
A big "feature" of Warcraft 2 is the colors always start in the same spot on the map in every game. Your friend, who has memorized the map you are playing on, just looks to see what color you are. Then he builds some grunts and goes straight for you.
One way to throw him off is to relocate -- that is, build your townhall by a different mine than the one you started by. However, while your peasant is dicking around looking for another mine to build by, your friend is getting a big head start on you in building up his economy.
Perhaps the only good way to defend against this is to memorize the map yourself and attack him before he attacks you!
"How do I get rid of those pesky dragons?"
Only archers/axethrowers, guard towers, destroyers, and mages/death knights can kill dragons and gryphons. Indeed, about the only thing archers and axethrowers are good for is killing dragons and gryphons, so don't build them unless you fear an attack from above.
"My friend keeps destroying my Great Hall with goblin sappers. How
can I stop them?"
A good way to stop demolition teams/sappers is to build archers or axethrowers, and position them staggered around your Great Hall. Hopefully, they will shoot his sappers before they get close enough to detonate on your buildings. Don't clump them together! One sapper could take out three or four at once if they're standing next to each other.
Another way to stop them is to use mages or death knights. Casting invisibility on a sapper or demolition team will destroy it automatically, as will unholy armor. Death Coil will usually kill a sapper, but you might miss. The problem with using mages or death knights is you have to be paying attention when the sappers come within range.
Perhaps the best way to stop your friend's sapper assault is to launch an offensive; he'll be too busy to attack you with sappers.
"How do you kill submarines?"
They're easy to destroy once you figure out how. They can only be seen by flying units and towers. Once you get these and you can see it, one hit from just about anything will destroy it.
The problem is sometimes your opponent will get submarines before you have anything that can see it, and he'll proceed to destroy your entire navy and your shipyard with it. It is possible to destroy it if you can't see it, however. Watch the map to determine which square the torpedoes are coming from, and tell your ship or your ballista to fire on the square using attack ground. Or, cast a blizzard in the general area, which should get rid of it.
Do you have a question that wasn't asked here? Feel free to email me with your questions, and I'll try to respond with an answer as soon as I can.