Friends of Paul A. Estin

[Note: this page is hasn't been updated since 2000.]


Matt Ryan
Rachel "Gingi" Silverman


Tom Brinck, inventor of SciFaiku
Chad Childers, a cannibal
Heather Coon, fellow psych geek
Tammy Coxen
Airyn Darling, who has a HUGE Web site
Bonnie Dee
Susan Hope Dundas
Kris Fazzari
Paul Haas, famed for his hottub and other net-connected devices
John Lawler (who has lots of fun Hofstadter-ish links)
Devon McDaniel
Eric McGlohon
Michael "MJO" O'Connor, a man of many email addresses
Deborah Schultz
Troy Wollenslegel, famed for having cool tech toys he can't afford, and for making conversational "Troy-sequiturs" (they're not quite NON-sequiturs, but the only way in which some of Troy's statements "logically follow" is by use of Troy's weird subjective semantic framework-- for example, if you say, "Nice weather we're having," he might reply, "Guess what?! I got a new Tori Amos CD yesterday!")
Tracy Worcester


Mike Schiffer, who wrote the classic Scooby-Doo ending to Shakespeare's Hamlet
Robin Kwong, a dear friend; one of the sweetest people I've ever met

(Thanks for this web space!)

Jennie, a sociolinguist and all-around interesting person
Chris, quiet but dangerous :-)
Iain, who makes cool CD mixes


David Mar, cool Australian dude
Mary Anne Mohanraj, author and poet (and ex-SO)

(See also: the links to HoloMuck players.)

Dead web addresses include:

Jon Traum, who has successfully combined domestic bliss with chronic weirdness (which is certainly one of MY goals in life)
Patrick Sugent, who likes to jump out of perfectly functional aircraft
Steven Manson
Sharmila Basu, who has more energy than anyone I've ever met
Paul A. Estin
estin at intranet dot org